Sunday, September 11, 2016

Meet Trevon

I've been wanting to go through and update all the stories not posted, but that just means I keep not posting current ones.

So, meet Trevon.  He suffers from Plasma Cell Pododermatitis, A.K.A. PillowFoot.

Poor bloody paw prints a all over my room.

I saw a post on FaceBook that his guardian was looking for help with his vetting, as his condition was yet undiagnosed at that point.

There are dozens if not hundreds of sick cats and calls for help everyday just in our area, and we can't save them all, but something about this guy him really called to me, so I had arrangements made for his release into my care.

I had him checked by a vet tech, as it would be a few days more before the vet could see him.  She was worried about autoimmune disorders, as PillowFoot is often caused by that.  Fortunately, he tested We soak his pads in Betadine a couple times a day, is on a good dose of steroids for inflammation and got a long acting antibiotic shot.  He also needs special litter to not continue to irritate his feet while they heal.

He's a total sweetheart and deserves to live as normal a life as possible, although his condition may be lifelong recurring.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Kittens...SO many kittens.

Nana called, 2 little kits who's mom seems to have disappeared.  We don't know if the cats are 'disappearing', moving on, or if the residents just can't keep track.  But alas, we couldn't leave them out there, just in case.  Hopefully there isn't a mama out there looking for her babies.

It will do Nikki some good to have bottle babies.  But we've got to find another foster.  Sadly, she can't keep them in her apartment.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Finally opened our bank account yesterday, since I've started getting donations.  Technically still awhile before I recoup what's already been spent, but we're getting there.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Getting there

Tracks under the car again and in the back leading to the shelter. Could have been a raccoon, I can't identify them.  All the food was eaten.

I found a really good deal on a security system so I can finally see what's going on out there.

Monday, February 8, 2016

A new wayward feline

Jeaneen told me there was a black and white cat in the yard this morning. The cat house is currently on the front porch because it was getting snowed in in the back yard. Plus I saw some tracks in the driveway during the last snow.  Not sure what they were but they led under the car, so someone needed shelter.

I'm going to get the Styrofoam shelter together today. Probably need to get more straw since it got nasty from the snow and moisture, too.

Really need to get the security cameras up so I can see what's going on out there. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The saga begins...

A cute orange one comes to our door sometimes. Rarely in the winter. Typically at night.  We call her Zazzle.  One time she showed up with a collar that was too tight.
We're not sure if she's a stray or just a wonderer. She seems like she just wants a friend but it drives our 3 boys crazy.  Naturally they are teritorial.  We're not even positive she's a she, but Dante screamed at her when she first started conning, and we think he only screams at girls. And I mean SCREAMS. Like nothing you've ever heard.  But, that's a story for another day.
Usually she would run as soon as I tried to open the door, but once I did get it open quietly and she stuck her head to check the place out in quickly exited.
A few months ago I started leaving food out.  It's actually a long story, but that too is for another day. I stuck a security camera out there and waited. It wasn't set up to record, so I'd just have to be looking at it and luck out.
Zazzle did come a few times, but it wasn't long before I discovered it was mostly a racoon eating it. I wouldn't mind so much of he didn't eat ALL the food. Next year's project will be a racoon proof feeding station.
In the last year or so we've come across a few special cases that we wanted to help. But because Dante was nearing the end of his journey and receiving palative care; we needed to keep his stress level low whenever possible. Bumping up his medicine schedule to twice a day didn't help that, but c'est la vie.
Usually it was a long term shelter resident that was older or special needs. I really feel for the long term ones and the ones that get returned.  I do My best to send moneyborbsupplies to rescues in need. But we do have to consider our limited funds when taking in special needs cases though. There's only so much we can do. But especially with a senior cat, we can at least make their final years good ones.
As far as they strays go, my mom's friend built is a really nice cat house, fully insulated and everything.  I was going to make one out of a Styrofoam cooler, but this is so much nicer. Even has a shingled roof.  I haven't had the funds or time to get the security system up so it can be monitored, but the food is always eaten withing a few days.  If I see that it's actually being used I'll build a couple more diy ones.